Tuesday, January 23, 2007

YouTube Account

I've decided to upload some videos on YouTube myself. This way it will be more easy for my readers to view the episodes/dramas without having to do countless searches on Google/YouTube. The only request I make is that you create yourself your own account on YouTube.


Because, sure I will upload the dramas I watched BUT! I will only keep the first episode of every drama in public viewing. Every episode after that will be put in private to save my account from being suspended. The only way to view private videos is that you have to be my friend; so create an account and add me.

So that is all I ask. I'm currently doing Tokyo Juliet & Smiling Pasta at the same time. Except with Smiling Pasta I'm working backwards. Once you request me, to view my private videos. You have to click on my play list; there I have categorized the private videos into their drama title for easy access.

Bare with me for a couple of days, I just recently decided to do this so uploads will take a while. I guess after Tokyo Juliet & Smiling Pasta I'll do Mars or find another new drama that I can download, watch & upload.

SharArandia's YouTube Spot.

Thank you for all your support. I'll be sure to mark this entry on the side as soon as I get everything going. As for right now, I need my sleep. :)

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